In this powerful courtroom moment, Judge Fleischer takes down a prosecutor’s weak DWI case, demonstrating why probable cause is so critical in DUI/DWI arrests. Watch as the judge immediately points out vague details in the police report, like “failed to maintain lane five times,” and challenges the prosecutor’s lack of concrete evidence. With the prosecution unable to provide specific facts and only mentioning a two-minute delay in the defendant pulling over, the case falls apart.

This is a perfect example of constitutional rights in action and a reminder of the importance of proper legal procedures in DWI cases. Judge Fleischer also offers practical advice about using rideshare services to avoid situations like this. Don’t miss this viral courtroom moment!

🎯 Key Highlights:
– Judge Fleischer challenges vague police reports
– Prosecutor struggles to present solid evidence
– Clear explanation of why probable cause matters
– A perfect example of constitutional rights in action
– Judge’s practical advice on using rideshare services

#judgefleischernoprobablecause #CourtroomDrama #DWIdefense #CriminalJustice #LegalRights #FourthAmendment #JudgeFleischer #CriminalLaw #PoliceAccountability #DUIDefense

