Corruption News

Speech on Dollar and Rupees by Rajiv Dixit / Reason of Dollar vs Rupee


Rajiv Dixit (1967—2010) was an Indian social activist. Rajiv Dixit was born in Allahabad. Dixit founded the Azadi Bachao Andolan (Save Freedom Movement) and was a campaigner for the protection of Indian industries from the 1990s when multi-national corporations were increasing their presence in India as a part of a trend towards globalisation.

Dixit demanded decentralisation of the taxation system, saying that the existing system was the core reason for bureaucratic corruption. He claimed that 80 per cent of tax revenue was used to pay politicians and bureaucrats. He compared the budget system of the Indian government to the earlier British budget system in India, presenting statistics which he claimed showed that they were the same.
Dixit died on 30 November 2010 while in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.


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