Corruption News

PA USPS whistleblower was interrogated by the FBI


The USPS subcontractor alleged that he drove a truck from NY to PA filled with 288,000 ballots. Because of these allegations the FBI, and Postal law enforcement interviewed him. Mr. Morgan explained the process of the interview as an interrogation. He said the agent acted as if he didn’t understand what Mr. Morgan was saying. After the “interview,” Morgan said, “I give this information, and then what they want to do with it, instead of investigating the information I gave, is go and start harassing my family.” Why did the FBI go and harass his family instead of going and investigating the allegations? My opinion is that they are trying to play damage control, and cover-up anything that might change the narrative. Let me know what you guys think. I personally think the FBI is compromised. I really think we need a new election and instead of the regular office handling it, I think the military should run it. Because then you have people that actually believe in the oath they take.
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