Corruption News

Chief Justice REFUSES Senate Request To Discuss Clarence Thomas' Corruption


Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has REFUSED a polite, voluntary request from the Senate to appear for a hearing about Justice Clarence Thomas’ glaring corruption and conflicts of interest. This leaves the Senate with only one avenue, and that is to subpoena the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, possibly setting up a legal showdown that is unprecedented in this country. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

The Senate Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, asking him to come on down to the Senate and let’s have a little chit chat about Clarence Thomas’s corruption. And of course, what your court is going to do about this, the fact that for decades, not just yours but decades, the man failed to file correct financial reports, listing all of the gifts that he was getting from Republican billionaire, Harlan Crow. He also didn’t list the sale of his home to Harlan Crow, didn’t list the fact that his mother is living rent free in one of Harlan Crow’s homes. Didn’t talk about any of this in his financial disclosure. So John Roberts, come on down and let’s have that talk. Well, John Roberts over the weekend it was reported, has told the Senate Judiciary Committee, no, no, I am not gonna come. I’m not gonna talk about any of this.

Uh, if you want, what you should do is go ask, well, what is it? The Judicial conference, you know, they are the ones who kind of make rules for the Supreme Court. So, uh, you know why, why don’t you go talk to them? I’m a little busy. I don’t know if you know this. I got a court to run, so yeah, I’m not coming. Maybe those folks will help you out. But here’s the thing. See, the, the Senate Judiciary Committee, they’re not morons. They had already sent a letter also to the judicial conference. So the judicial conference has already been invited. They just wanted to get you as well. John Roberts, they know about the judicial conference. They know what their job is. Uh, you’re talking to the body that appoints people like you, and you had to go through a senate confirmation process. You think they’re not familiar with all of the bodies involved in the United States Supreme Court.

John Roberts is scared. If this were a liberal member of the court that had done the things that Clarence Thomas has been accused of doing, John Roberts would’ve shown up at the Senate the day this news broke, banging on their door saying, let me in so I can talk to you about this. But because it’s one of his own, because it’s the longest tenured member of that Supreme Court, John Roberts is like, oh, I, I don’t know what’s going on. I I’ve never met this man in my life. I don’t even know who he is. How did you get in here? Clarence Thomas has to go. Republicans will never let that happen. Democrats do not have the numbers to impeach him. John Roberts is likely to not be subpoenaed to come and talk. I I think they should, but I doubt they will. But even if you do subpoena and he says no, who are you gonna appeal it to? The Supreme Court? Well, even when Roberts

Recuses himself from that, and I can’t even say when he recuses himself from that, because he may not. And like then again, what are we gonna do? Like literally, what are you gonna do if he doesn’t recuse himself in rules against his own subpoena? What, what can you do? Do you get how powerless we are? How powerless our Congress is to do anything about these tyrants on the Supreme Court? That’s the picture I am trying to paint for you folks. John Roberts could be subpoenaed, go sit on that court, not recuse himself, and we still can’t do a gosh darn thing. That’s the Supreme Court. This entire body has to be abolished. Like not, not remade, not revamped, abolished it, and then start over from scratch. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have a Supreme Court, but I’m saying in its current iteration, it has become too corrupt to fix. So in that instance, you tear it all down, down to the ground, you get rid of the foundation as well.


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