Corruption News

Inside US Corrupt Government


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Rob Kall of interviews former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, March 9, 2010.

How is it that pres Obama ran for office on change we can believe in and his lawyers in January of 2010 argued to the US Supreme court that US citizens do not have a constitutional right not to be framed– that is prosecutors can knowingly frame innocent people and not be sued.

they are afraid that by giving up civil immunity that they would be sued for presenting false evidence.
Why shouldn’t they be sued.

Was elected governor of Alabama, beating an incumbent governor in a republican state.

Rove brought closes friend and political associate to Alabama — Bill Canary

I did battle with him.

I was investigated immediately after being elected governor by Karl Rove’s client
Leura Canary Was best Rove’s friend’s wife, who was also campaign manager’s wife of Republican opponent who brought him to trial one month before the election.

The prosecution convinced a felon to re-write and re-write his testimony until he got it the way the government wanted i and then used it to get a conviction

Canary is still an attorney working at the DOJ.

Eric Holder has turned the Department of Justice over to David Margolis.

Margolis participated in firing of republicans who refused… 12:00

was a very good prosecutor when aUS attorney in Connecticut. Because he has been at the top for so long, and because all important decisions have been made by him, ihncluding my prosecution– my prosecuting had a conflict was not forced to recuse herself
has had some involvement in approving torture for interrogation.

For those of us who have been paying attention to what’s going on in the DOJ.

House judiciary held hearings
60 Minutes showed how government abused power.
One DOJ whistleblower, Tamara Grimes, who made accusations against Leura canary was fired with David Margolis approval.

Obama– getting hurt because the people around him are not protecting his back– they don’t share his vision of change.

“I re-appointed a CEO to a board that two previous governors had appointed him to.
Because he had contributed to… the education lottery foundation… Siegelman was accused of accepting a bribe.

Abramoff was pouring millions into defeating me– in 98, 99– some $15 million came to Alabama to defeat me, so we wouldn’t have a lottery, so people would go to neighboring states to gamble at casinos.

Was declared the winner, then, in the middle of the night the votes were recounted electronically and they shifted 5,000 votes to opponent.
The two people who claimed or received credit for stealing the election were Karl Rove’s partner Kitty McCollough who changed her name to Kelly Kimbrough and Dan Gans. Republican party gave them credit for “discovering” th is “computer glitch.” Experts have reported that the only way it could have happened was theft.

It was an orchestrated effort by Karl Rove to knock out progressive politicians across the country– not just governors. THey made a determined effort to lower the boom on any democrat.

Studies– seven to one democrats were proecuted over Republicans, No effort to appear to be fair.

Only case that has been seriously looked at was Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska–
Holder needs to look at these other cases as well and findout why they offered this false testimony.

William Welch took the place of Noel hillman, who was head of public integrity section of DOJ, where decisions are made to prosecute public officials and then it’s signed off on by David Margolis.

When they were beginning to peel the onion on Jack Abramoff, they entered a guilty plea and stopped him frm talking. Jack Abramoff has a lot more to tell.

For the last 15 years or more Margolis is involved in high profile and or political cases. by his understanding.

The governor’s case is before the US supreme court– decision will be made by the justices may or october on whether they will hear his case. If they choose to hear it, will do so next spring of 2011.

Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties,
Jerrold Nadler has served in Congress since 1992. He represents New York’s 8th Congressional District, which includes parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn.


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