Corruption News



The cover up just gets bigger. I brought the FBI agent into the federal case in federal court for his role in covering up the scandal of Choctaw Nation police and prosecutor office causing danger and harm to my community.
The stalker who has been allowed to stalk me and other people protected by the police, while a former federal judge who is general counsel for the police being exposed. The former federal judge, also former 10th circuit judge, is now the general counsel for the tribal police who is doing such harm. I gave videos of the stalker driving up to entrance of my driveway parking and blocking my ability to leave just to harass me many time. I have videos of the man on my property at 4 am wearing headlamp spotlighting my car and me on my property. I have videos of the stalker driving over my fence on my rental property destroying plants, reaching over my fence messing with my electric stuff all on camera. ON camera also is him yelling at me calling me names and insults. AND the officers only come at me for reporting him.
I have the officers on video telling me they are sending evidence of his crimes against me and others to the prosecutor office. The witnesses also victims of this guy who happen also to be Cherokee, wrote statements.
Yet they protected the guy instead of prosecuting him as they said they would.
HE KNEW they would do nothing which is why he kept coming at us.
THEN I and others are told to go to the FBI office, and were blocked by this Choctaw FBI agent who happens to be the one to decide if the case will be prosecuted or not and he will only prosecute his tribal employees if their acts affect HIS people.
SO I SUED HIM. I challenged the statutes that govern indian matters and used this corruption as example why the laws have to be changed.
I submitted such to the oklahoma state attorney general and the assistant to the attorney general blocked the suit going to the AG. HE falsely claimed I filed a civil right complaint with the Attorney general office then dismissed it as being passed 6 months, which is false, instead of submitting the suit to the attorney general as is required by law!
THAT same attorney general who fired the former federal judge who was handed over a case from state of oklahoma for the opiod crisis worth hundreds of millions of dollars without considering any other firm.
THAT SAME greedy lawyer who the AG complained had excessive fees and was taking way too much out of that case that should have gone to the state and victims.
THAT SAME lawyer who happens to be arguing in federal court in my case that the tribe has no jurisdiction over my stalker when the tribal judges have said yes they do!
SO I filed motion complaining how this former federal judge committed perjury in federal court and the judges have duty to deal with that.
I submitted copy of the tribal judge stating they do have jurisdiction over my stalker, and this after this former federal judge now civil lawyer lied in federal court claiming the tribe does not believe it does have such jurisdiction.
See the state of oklahoma does NOT want tribes to have jurisdiction over non indians under VAWA and this lawyer for the tribe is attacking tribal rights from within and getting favors from the state of oklahoma is my opinion.
So after suing the FBI for covering the crimes of his tribal police instead of allowing other fbi agents to turn over the crimes to the US attorney office, and filing case of the other tribes in Oklahoma with interest now they stripped the pacer system, where you can access federal cases, of my cases involving this criminal activity by this tribe, the FBI agent member of that tribe, . The tribes with interest whenever case affects tribal authority or indian rights, they must be served copies so they can brief in and give their opinions on the challenge to the laws that affect their rights.
I told the Assistant AG for falsely using my name filing a civil right complaint falsely claiming I filed civil right complaint against the tribe in their office, I am going to bar association. He has duty to give the copy of the suit challenging the statutes to the AG. IT IS REQUIRED by federal rules of civil procedure.
Then in one of my cases the federal judge pulls a nonsense move claiming I have to submit a disclosure form as if it was a diversity case and it is NOT.
ANYTHING to cause delays in this matter. NOW they have removed my federal cases from the pacer system probably afraid the media will get hold of this fiasco, and block public access to these cases.
I have petitioned to the United Nations, human rights watch organization, United States Dept of Justice, FBI headquarters in DC.
AND now….they stripped the public data base of the cases!!!
The efforts they will go to cover up corruption is just sad. AND NOW LOOK…..WATCH…..I CANNOT EVEN CALL THE FEDERAL COURT CLERK ABOUT THIS WIPING OF THE DATABASE!


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