Corruption News

Why has Zhao Wei disappeared without authority explanation? The Chinese Entertainment Industry Purge


Recently, the entertainment industry in China was shaken, with mainland Chinese star Zhao Wei being blocked by the entire Chinese network. The rapid fermentation of the incident was surprising, from the blocking of the entire network to rumors that Zhao Wei had lost contact with the network, to the news that Zhao Wei appeared at the local airport in Bordeaux, France, and was suspected to have chartered a special plane to escape.

On the night of August 26, mainland Chinese star Zhao Wei was blocked all across the Chinese internet, and many of her film and television works that she had starred in or had directed were not only taken off the shelves, but her name was removed from the list of creators. This includes one of her most famous works, “My Fair Princess”. When “Zhao Wei” is searched on major Chinese video sites, no more results are shown.

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