Today, I am announcing a new visa restriction policy that will apply to current or former foreign government officials responsible for, or complicit in, the forced return of Uyghurs or members of other ethnic or religious groups with protection concerns to China. We are committed to combating China’s efforts to pressure governments to forcibly return Uyghurs and other groups to China, where they are subject to torture and enforced disappearances.
I am immediately implementing this policy by taking steps to impose visa restrictions on current and former officials from the Government of Thailand responsible for, or complicit in, the forced return of 40 Uyghurs from Thailand on February 27.
In light of China’s longstanding acts of genocide and crimes against humanity committed against Uyghurs, we call on governments around the world not to forcibly return Uyghurs and other groups to China.
This visa restriction policy is pursuant to Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and allows the Department of State to pursue visa restrictions for current or former foreign government officials who are responsible for, or complicit in, the forced return to China of Uyghurs or members of other ethnic or religious groups with protection concerns. Certain family members of such persons may also be subject to these restrictions.
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