Corruption News

Patriotism: How a Catholic can still be Patriotic in a Corrupt Nation – Part 2


On this episode of the Catholic Family Podcast, Andrew joins the podcast to discuss patriotism and how a Catholic can still be patriotic in a corrupt nation.

In part 1 he talked about America and its origins, the Founding Fathers, the first Catholic bishop (Bishop Carroll) Henry Knox, the natives out west, congress paying for Catholic missionaries, the Corporation of America vs. The United States of America, and much more. We hope you will enjoy this episode and also join us in the comment section for a further discussion.

In part 2 he continues on the Corporation of America vs. The United States of America, explaining the difference between slaves of the Corporation and true countrymen, the symbol of the nation (The Flag) being a victim of guilt by association, quotes from clergy and true Popes, hope in local government, and much more. We hope you will enjoy this episode and also join us in the comment section for further discussion.


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