Corruption News

How The Mafia Pulled The Strings In The Boxing World


We will look into the fascinating and controversial life of Muhammad Ali, one of the best boxers of all time, and find out how his successful career may have been linked to the mafia. People have long thought that Ali’s 1964 heavyweight title win was tainted by the mafia and other forms of corruption. In this detailed video, we clear up the mysteries surrounding that win.

Find out how a young Cassius Clay Jr., with the help of a stolen bike and a chance meeting with a police officer, went from being poor in Kentucky to winning an Olympic gold medal and becoming famous all over the world as Muhammad Ali. Watch Ali’s early years, how he changed under Joe Martin’s guidance, and his speedy rise in the fighting world.

In the 1940s and 1950s, the mafia had a lot of power over boxing. Notable people like Blinky Palermo and Frankie Carbo used threats, blackmail, and fixed fights to keep control of the sport. Find out how these criminal ties affected Ali’s career, especially in his famous fight against Sonny Liston, a fighter who had ties to the mafia.

Check out the famous “phantom punch” that knocked out Liston in their 1964 fight and has caused a lot of discussion about whether it happened or not and whether the mafia was involved. We also talk about Sonny Liston’s sad fall and strange death. His life was full of crime and rumors of mafia retaliation.

Find out about Ali’s decision to become a Muslim, his public activism with Malcolm X, and his brave stand against the Vietnam War draft, which got him banned from fighting for three years. Ali’s triumphant return to the ring and his historic wins in the Rumble in the Jungle and Thrilla in Manila were set up by the shady organizer Don King, who had ties to the mafia himself.

Lastly, we talked about Ali’s later years, how he helped others, and how he will always be remembered as a winner, both in and out of the ring. Boxing fans and people interested in the interesting ways that sports, crime, and history all come together should watch this video.


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