Corruption News

U.S. Attorney General in talks with Afghan officials on corruption, justice system


(30 Jun 2010)
1. Mid of Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, walking to news conference
2. Wide of Holder being introduced
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States:
“Now the United States is committed to partnering with Afghanistan to ensure that all Afghan citizens have access to a fair, efficient and transparent judicial system. Rule of law should be an important dimension of the long term US-Afghan strategic partnership. The support and commitment of the United States to improving the lives of the Afghan people and establishing the rule of law will really outlast any military presence in this country.”
4. Mid of journalists
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States:
“And I personally commit that we will continue the partnerships that the United States department of justice has developed here in Afghanistan. We have sent some of our most experienced federal prosecutors and law enforcement agents from our criminal division, the United States Attorney’s offices, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration and the United States Marshal service to work here with their Afghan law enforcement counterparts.”
6. Cutaway of journalist taking notes
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States:
“We applaud President (Hamid) Karzai for his actions and encourage him to continue his efforts as much work remains to be done. The long-term stability of Afghanistan lies in the hands of the Afghan people, a key piller of achieving stability is adhering to the rule of law.”
8. Mid of Holder leaving news conference
United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, was in Kabul on Wednesday for talks with Afghan officials and said Washington
is committed to “improving the lives of the Afghan people and establishing the rule of law will really outlast any military presence in this country.”
Holder’s agenda during his brief visit included discussions on ways to build relationships between law enforcement agencies and prosecutors in the two countries.
Holder said the United States would continue working with the Afghan government to create an “effective criminal justice system,” Holder told reporters in the Afghan capital.
He said fighting corruption and “supporting the rule of law” in Afghanistan are top of President Barack Obama’s administration priorities.
Holder also applauded the actions of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, “for his actions and encourage him to continue his efforts as much work remains to be done.”
Meanwhile David Petraeus has left open the possibility of recommending that Obama delay his plans to start withdrawing
U.S. troops from Afghanistan next summer if the new commander cannot turn around the stalemated war.
The Senate Armed Services Committee quickly approved Petraeus, and the full Senate is expected to confirm him Wednesday.
Petraeus also told senators that he may change the war’s battlefield rules, designed to limit civilian casualties and improve support for the foreign forces fighting the Taliban-led insurgency.

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