Corruption News

E23 – Warning from South Africa: Pieter Keyter on Political Corruption and America's Future


In this riveting episode, we welcome Pieter Keyter, a successful South African farmer and author, who draws striking parallels between the political landscapes of South Africa and the United States. Pieter delves into the alarming similarities in political playbooks, warning Americans of the potential consequences if corruption and false promises go unchecked. He highlights how the same tactics at play in South Africa are increasingly evident in the U.S., urging listeners to recognize and address these issues before it’s too late. Keyter discusses the severe impact of government corruption on infrastructure and society, stressing the importance of robust border security and documented immigration. He also underscores the vital role of the church during times of societal and political crises and emphasizes how informed voting and understanding primaries can significantly shape government representation. This episode is a must-listen for anyone concerned about the future of our nation and eager to take action against political corruption and mismanagement. Don’t miss Pieter’s eye-opening insights and practical advice for safeguarding democracy.

A Must Read: A Farmer’s Redemption: Overcoming Famine by Faith


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