Corruption News

‘Menendez is Asking’: Prosecutors Present Evidence in Bribery Trial


Federal prosecutors have presented a trove of emails, texts, voicemails, photos, and other correspondence as evidence in the bribery trial of New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. The trial focuses on allegations that Menendez accepted bribes to benefit the interests of New Jersey businesspeople and the governments of Egypt and Qatar.

Key Developments

Evidence Presented

  • Email Exchanges: In May 2018, a staffer from the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, at Menendez’s behest, asked a State Department official about the number of Americans posted in the U.S. embassy in Egypt.
  • Communications Trail: The evidence presented includes a detailed account of how Menendez communicated with his then-girlfriend, Nadine Arslanian (now his wife), and allies, showcasing a series of interactions related to his alleged involvement in corrupt activities.

Specific Incidents

  • Embassy Inquiry: Menendez texted Arslanian information about the embassy staff, which she forwarded to Wael “Will” Hana, a New Jersey businessman with ties to the Egyptian government. Hana then passed this information to an Egyptian government employee.
  • Military Official Contact: Hana communicated with an Egyptian military official about Menendez wanting his number, which Arslanian promptly sent to Menendez.
  • Influence on Public Statements: Before an event, Arslanian instructed Menendez to speak positively about Egypt’s new government and its relationship with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), indicating Hana’s influence on Menendez’s public statements.

Arslanian’s Role

  • Gatekeeper and Consultant: Arslanian acted as a gatekeeper to Menendez, controlling access and meetings. Prosecutors allege Hana provided bribes to Arslanian through her consulting firm.
  • Contentious Relationship: Despite claims of a sibling-like relationship, the messages suggest a contentious dynamic, with Arslanian expressing frustration with Hana’s attitude and actions.

Personal Details

  • Personal Relationship: The messages reveal the intimate relationship between Menendez and Arslanian, who frequently referred to each other as “mon amour” and used affectionate emojis in their communications.

Legal Arguments

  • Defense Strategy: Menendez’s legal team argues that the correspondence is being selectively presented by prosecutors to invite juror speculation. They suggest that Arslanian may bear the primary responsibility for the alleged bribery activities.


The ongoing trial continues to reveal intricate details of the alleged bribery scheme involving Senator Bob Menendez. As prosecutors present their evidence piece by piece, the defense prepares to counter the allegations, potentially shifting blame onto Arslanian. The trial’s outcome will hinge on the interpretation of the presented communications and the context surrounding them.

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