Corruption News

UKRAINE INVADES RUSSIA?: NAFO REACTS feat. @LazerPig@Kraut_the_Parrot @fightertales


Also featured are Digital Vagrant and Armchair Copelord as well as LazerPig’s intel on the ground.

So Ukraine invaded Belgorod Oblast in Russia via the Volunteer Legions made up of Russian and Belarussian citizens fighting for the AFU. Naturally we had to comment on it as it is… to be honest. Hysterically funny.

This video was recorded LIVE as the event was happening, much like the parade. And it will now be immortalized with all the comedy. Not many memes unfortunately but there are some.

I apologise about the sound, I had my mic setup improperly and so it recorded me breathing so I had to do some audio editing to make it somewhat bearable.

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