Corruption News

Mortgagee has no Right to Insurance Proceeds After Debt Paid


Satisfaction of Mortgage Eliminates Right of Mortgagee to Recover from Homeowners Policy

In Thomas P. Williams, Sr. v. Nationwide Insurance a/k/a Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, Civil Action No. 22-1090, United States District Court, E.D. Pennsylvania (March 24, 2023) Nationwide denied the claim of its insured because they failed to comply with the Policy’s post-loss duties by failing to appear for scheduled examinations, not producing requested documents, making material misrepresentations to Nationwide and because Nationwide’s investigation of the fire revealed that it was “intentionally set.”

The homeowners sold the fire-damaged property to the plaintiff. The money from the sale was used to satisfy the entirety of the homeowners’ outstanding mortgage with a bank.

The plaintiff requested that the insurer reimburse him for the amount he claims he paid toward satisfying the homeowners’ mortgage. He based his request on a standard mortgage clause in the homeowners’ insurance policy, which stated that a denial of the homeowners’ claim would not preclude payment to a valid claim of the mortgagee.

The insurer refused to pay the plaintiff’s claim and the plaintiff sued.


The plaintiff Thomas P. Williams alleged that he had purchased a fire-damaged property and paid off the mortgage encumbering the property.


The Ruchs owned property located in Albrightsville, PA (“the Property”). They had insured the Property for property damage under a policy with Nationwide (“the Policy”) and had a mortgage on the Property with PNC Bank NA (“PNC”).

A fire caused damage to the Property. The Ruchs submitted a claim to Nationwide under the Policy, and Nationwide eventually determined that the amount of the adjusted claim was $103,000.00. However, Nationwide later denied the claim because of breach of condition and fraud.

At the time of the sale, the Ruchs owed $135,490.13 on the mortgage to PNC and used the funds from the sale to satisfy the outstanding balance. At that time, Nationwide had not made any payment to PNC pursuant to the mortgage clause. After receiving the payment, PNC filed a Satisfaction of Mortgage with the Carbon County Recorder of Deeds.


Williams argued that because his funds paid to the Rauch’s satisfied the mortgage on the Property and because Nationwide would have had to pay PNC if it fulfilled the policy conditions, he stepped into the shoes of PNC.

There was no evidence demonstrating Williams assumed any legal rights under the mortgage. While Williams novel argument demonstrates a logical creativity, he cites no case law, and the court found none to support his contention that a purchaser of a property steps into the shoes of the mortgagee when the funds from the purchase are used to satisfy an outstanding mortgage.

Duty to Pay Pursuant to the Mortgage Clause

The fire damaged the Property and after the loss, Williams obtained his interest in the Property. The insured mortgage was fully satisfied and neither party presented any evidence that once Williams obtained his interest, there was any outstanding mortgage on the Property. Therefore, any further recovery under the Policy would constitute an unjust enrichment for the mortgagee.

At bottom, the mortgagee cannot seek further payment under the Policy and Nationwide had no obligation to pay. The court granted Nationwide’s motion for summary judgment and  denied Williams’ cross-motion for summary judgment.


Nationwide had two contracts: first with the Rauch’s as named insured and second with PNC Bank as mortgagee. Once Nationwide denied the claim of the named insureds it had the obligation to pay PNC if it presented a sworn proof of loss. Before PNC even attempted to protect its rights under the policy Williams purchased the property and the money he paid to the owners was used to satisfy the mortgage, thereby eliminating the right of PNC to make a claim to Nationwide. Had Williams obtained an assignment from PNC rather than the Rauch’s he would have a claim. He did not and his “creative” argument failed.

(c) 2023 Barry Zalma & ClaimSchool, Inc.

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