Corruption News

Good cop REBELS Against CORRUPT Officials, loves Constitution, refuses to mistreat local residents !


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[Misconduct by: Bedford Charter TWP, Battle Creek Police, Calhoun CO -of Michigan USA] My home & my neighbors’ homes have deeded access to Wabascon Lake for 100’s of feet, across 3 narrow lots between the road & the water, complete with deeded rights to have docks & boathouses. Until 1910 this whole area was a resort, then the last resort owners divided it into a platted subdivision of 40 lots, where they used deeded lakeshore rights across the 3 narrow lots, with an old store on the south end, to sell the other 37 lots. Some combined, those 37 lots are now only 11 homes. The last owner of the store on the 3 narrow access lots converted the store to their residence, with no approval nor any legal regard to all the deeded accesses. That action was challenged & resolved by the signing of a notarized legal affidavit (officially recorded in Calhoun County Liber) that the store converter knew of & respected the preexisting rights of land usage, lake access, & dock/ boathouse rights.
Decades later, now that deceased, store converter’s step-daughter has appeared from out of state, to get herself added to the deed of her elderly mother’s property, & has begun her campaign of using mini-Putin as a tool to harass us lake access users away, trying to illegally seize our deeded lakeshore rights. …stating with mini-Putin confronting other access owners, then ripping out the dock of my neighbor lady, who lives alone. Me simply recording & reporting his crimes was all it took to get mini-Putin & his BAD cop buddies now still sociopathically fixated on trying get me somehow.
Having found out the hard way the Battle Creek Police Dept. is unwilling to protect us, we took this to court, where the judge granted us a PPO. Not only would the BAD cops not even enforce the court’s orders, but crooked cops Sergeant Chad Fickle, Sergeant Stephen Brady, Corporal Craig Wolf, & other BAD cops ever since have been more brazenly helping the offender stalk and harass us. Worst of all, all the efforts to report & expose these BAD cops have only been met with even more brazen corrupt-official retaliation. Township Supervisor – Joni Jones & Trustee (Sheriff Deputy & CO-Prosecutor-Investigator) Craig Dingman, Battle Creek Police Chief – Jim Blocker, Calhoun CO Sheriff – Steven Hinkley & his Deputy – Evan Bloch, Calhoun CO Prosecutor – David Gilbert, & other corrupt officials have conspired to retalitorily charge and prosecute me for 6 fabricated offenses. Even local the local news media is in bed with this corruption, refusing to risk disfavor from the Thin Blue Gang, by reporting on what is happening here.
So far, 100% of the official oversight from: Battle Creek City, Bedford Charter TWP, Calhoun CO, Michigan State, & even the U.S. Federal Gov. = are all still effectively turning a BLIND eye to this 1st Amendment retaliation by brazenly corrupt colluding officials. All of this is evidenced in these videos here (many numbered in order of events). People, please do anything you can to help us get this kind of law enforcement and official abuses stopped.
Please, everybody stop to say a short prayer to The One God for us.

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