Corruption News

Cincy's FBI CJ Fryhopper LIES Cover Up Police & Court Crimes


This recording is Cincinnati FBI’s LIAR CJ FRYHOPPER.. I will soon have 5 or 6 recording clips of CJ lying and claiming my story with documentation has no merit. THEN, I put the clip on of Gary Dicker attorney admitting “the guy we sat up”.along with THE FACTUAL DOCUMENTS LINK..

I sent CJ those links and a few days later on the phone, CJ claimed he didn’t know me or the case!
I have it ALL on tape of this THUG and LIAR covering up a Scioto County Sheriff’s and court system’s “Premeditated Felony Frame Up” case #02CR000403. The FBI’s website claims they investigate “Color Of Law Crimes”. But my series of clips will prove the opposite. The FBI operates under the, “Blue Code Of Silence” used by police to hide their own crimes & screw ups.. MUCH more to come..


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