Corruption News

Ramaphosa's new anti-corruption council 'a step in the right direction' – Corruption Watch


Karam Singh, Director of Corruption Watch, is well aware of the cynicism among South Africans when it comes to any anti-corruption initiative borne from the government – but he’s optimistic the new National Anti-Corruption Advisory Council (NACAC) is fundamentally a progressive development. He told BizNews that the mere announcement of the establishment of the council isn’t in itself something to be applauded as “the proof will be in the pudding”, but it remains laudable. In this discussion, Singh touches on NACAC’s role in assisting President Cyril Ramaphosa to compile government’s implementation plan flowing from Zondo’s State Capture Inquiry recommendations. The window for Ramaphosa to emerge as an anti-corruption champion is closing fast, bedevilled by allegations he himself is facing, coupled with a dubious cast of characters, fingered in Zondo’s reports, he continues to keep in his cabinet.


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