Corruption News

Fringe party candidate alleges criminal charges were fabricated by police


Accused in Val Rita calls on Prime Minister Trudeau to intervene

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VAL RITA — A fringe party candidate who ran in the last provincial election in Mushkegowuk-James Bay riding is calling on the Prime Minister to intervene after criminal charges were laid against her and her sister by the Ontario Provincial Police in Kapuskasing this week.

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“Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, should directly intervene in this false and fraudulent case which has been brought against me and my sister by the OPP criminals at the Kapuskasing detachment,” Fauzia Sadiq, 51, stated in an 11-minute video posted on social media on Wednesday.

Fauzia Sadiq was the Confederation of Regions (CoR) party candidate in Mushkegowuk-James Bay in the June provincial election while her sister, Nadia, 49, ran in the Timmins riding.

The two sisters were charged this week with defamation and mischief. Nadia was additionally charged with criminal harassment.

In her video statement, Fauzia said police in Northern Ontario are accustomed to getting away with murder which is why, according to her, they have laid these “fabricated” charges against her and her sister.

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“The killing of women and children in police custody is an accepted norm in Northern Ontario because the corrupt Ontario Provincial Police investigating constables have become the judges, the jury and the executioners all themselves, and have declared their victims guilty before they are proven innocent in a court of law.”

She added, that “mainstream media reports of innocent women and children being killed in police custody in Northern Ontario” on a daily basis and that “the broken-down Canadian justice system outright refuses to punish the Ontario Provincial Police criminals in the court of law. Therefore the oppressed wait for divine justice which comes in the form of suicides committed by these evil doers.”

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Fauzia said the charges laid this week against her and her sister are the repercussions of an OPP investigation into an alleged theft of $300 three years ago in which a family member was viewed as the key suspect. Those charges, she said, were eventually dropped. However, she suggested police and judicial authorities in Kapuskasing were determined to reignite criminal proceedings against her, which is what led to these latest charges, she alleged.

Fauzia Sadiq’s first court appearance on this matter is scheduled in the Ontario Court of Justice in Kapuskasing on Oct. 24, while Nadia Sadiq had her first scheduled court appearance earlier this week.

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