Corruption News

Mowers: Stop Pelosi’s Corruption And End Insider Trading In Congress


Corrupt politicians and career bureaucrats continue to rig the system for themselves while working-class families suffer from Joe Biden’s record inflation.

In yet another example of corruption from the swamp, Paul Pelosi, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, just purchased over $1 million of a computer chip stock mere weeks before there is a major vote that could send as much as $52 billion in subsidies to the industry.

You might remember a similar incident from last year – a financial disclosure from July 2021 revealed that Mr. Pelosi purchased thousands of shares of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, shortly before Speaker Pelosi killed a bill to curb the influence of big tech.

Pelosi netted over $5 million from that timely transaction alone. As Granite State families suffer, the Pelosi family is trading off insider information and making millions.

My opponent Chris Pappas once preached about leading the charge to ban Congressional stock trading, but his words have been followed up with no results. Despite Pappas’ election year press releases, his colleagues and Nancy Pelosi are raking in the cash.

It’s clear why Pappas doesn’t hold the Pelosi family accountable – he hasn’t stood up to her since he got to Washington.

Nancy Pelosi and her dark money groups are planning to spend $5 million in dark money to support Pappas in November – protecting her most reliable vote. In exchange for the millions in dark money, Pappas votes with Pelosi 100 percent of the time and turns a blind eye to her corruption.

Trust in American democracy is at an all-time low because career politicians like Chris Pappas and Nancy Pelosi rig the system for themselves while working-class families are hung out to dry while they foot the bill for their trillion-dollar spending sprees.

The current laws clearly aren’t working, which is why in January I called for members of Congress – and their immediate family – to be prohibited from owning or trading individual stocks. All members’ economic interests should be placed in a blind trust while they are in office. Any member of Congress found in violation of this policy should forfeit their salary and pay a 100 percent penalty on any profits made from the illegal trade.

Public service should be about serving your neighbors – not getting rich. We’re only going to get better results from Washington when we drain it. In Congress, I will work tirelessly to end the corruption in Washington.

Matt Mowers is a Republican candidate for New Hampshire’s First Congressional District. He wrote this for

This story was originally published by the NH Journal, an online news publication dedicated to providing fair, unbiased reporting on, and analysis of, political news of interest to New Hampshire. For more stories from the NH Journal, visit

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