Corruption News

Meet the Candidates: John Gentry for Tennessee governor | WJHL


News Channel 11 distributed questionnaires to all congressional and state candidates who will appear on ballots in Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia in the November election.

Below is the response we received from John Gentry, who is running for Tennessee governor.

Early voting in Tennessee runs from Oct. 19 to Nov. 3. Election Day is Thursday, Nov. 8.

Biographical information

Name: John Gentry

Office running for: Governor of Tennessee

Age on election day: 57

Town/city: Goodlettsville

Party affiliation (if applicable): I am not affiliated with either corrupt party. I am conservative minded campaigning as an independent candidate.

Education: University of Maryland, B.S. Accountancy Cum Laude

Numerous military schools; Military Freefall, Combat Diver, S.E.R.E, etc.

Job history: U.S.M.C. Force Recon Marine for eight (8) years

CEO, CFO, Controller, Financial Analyst

Political, community, or other relevant experience:

I am not a licensed attorney but I am a lawyer; as knowledgeable in statutory law and rules of procedure and as proficient in writing legal briefs as any attorney. I have long been fighting against corruption in government and to restore fundamental rights in our courts.

I am not a legislator, but I know legislative rules of order and the largely corrupt legislative process as well as any senator or representative. I have testified as a citizen before many legislative committees, evidenced on my YouTube Channel here; My testimonies have stopped corrupt pretended legislation from being enacted into law.

As a formerly licensed CPA for more than twenty years, I am proficient in forensic accounting and will use my extensive experience to root out fraud, waste, and abuse in our state budget.

Candidacy questions

Why are you running for this office?

To take down rampant corruption in government by having corrupt judges impeached, stopping corrupt pretended legislation from being enacted into law, and to restore the cornerstone right of remonstrance in Tennessee Constitution, Article I, § 23.

What makes you qualified to hold this office?

I am the only qualified candidate fit to serve the people due to the incontrovertible fact that I am THE ONLY MAN taking a stand against the unlawful alteration of our form of government with judges holding expressly prohibited second offices of trust in violation of the Tennessee Constitution, Article VI, § 7. Prohibited offices held by judges are the root of all corruption in government.

Why should voters elect or re-elect you over your opponent(s)? What sets you apart from your opponent(s)? (Specify if unopposed)

My opponents are constitutionally incompetent and unfit to serve the people. I guarantee term limits for all state judges, senators, and representatives, and I will literally restore the voice of the people in government by restoring the right of remonstrance. I will restore the right of the people to reform government in Art. I, § 1.

If elected or re-elected, what would be your top two or three priorities during your new term and what is your plan of action for each?

  1. I will restore the form of government established in our beloved Tennessee Constitution, presently grossly violated by a corrupt arrogant government.
  2. I will immediately have statutory term limits put in place, and begin the four-year process to constitutionally limit the number of terms that can be served.
  3. I will have a Petition & Remonstrance Day at least once per month during which citizens may come unannounced to the capitol and present me with their grievances or proper purposes. These proceedings will be live streamed and video recorded available on demand to all the people.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know?

As a citizen like you, in my fight against rampant corruption in our state government, I have accomplished more than anyone.

Imagine what I could do elected and vested with the supreme executive power vested in the governor (Art III, § 1). Executive power is the power to bring the law into effect. I will use that power to tear down corruption like none before me.

I engaged in this fight because I am dedicated to the principles upon which our republic was founded. I engaged in this fight because I refuse to accept that the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice to establish and preserve this republic did so in vain.

What is your favorite thing about Tennessee?

By far, my most favorite thing about Tennessee is our state constitution. Thomas Jefferson stated that the Constitution of the State of Tennessee is the “least imperfect” and “most Republican.”

In Art. I, § 19 our right of free speech is far better protected than other state constitutions as well as the federal constitution. In § 23 we have the right to petition for redress or proper purpose by oral address to any person, agency, or legislative house. In § 23 we also have the right to “instruct their representatives”. There are only three states that have both the right to orally address any power of government AND the right to instruct our representatives. In Art XI, it is extremely difficult to amend our state constitution which is why ours has remained mostly intact. My work is to restore all the provisions of our beloved Tennessee Constitution which are presently grossly violated by our corrupt judiciary and legislative houses.

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