Corruption News

Medical and Insurance Fraud


Please READ the DESCRIPTION and ALL of the COMMENTS (sort by Newest to view ALL of them) below for MORE information and references that are NOT in the video!
YES, this clinic is STILL operating as of TODAY!
Why is Jefferson Parish still letting this scheme operate? How come this is not being investigated?

Dr. Roy devised a scheme to defraud the government and to obtain money and property by means of one or more materially false and fraudulent pretenses. This is also violation of the oath of a Medical Doctor.

On Netflix, there’s a series called The Pharmacist, filmed in New Orleans (ironically, the same location as this Clinic). What this clinic is doing, is the missing episode #5 – “The Treatment Facilities.” This clinic shares many similarities. However, with this clinic, you will not see a “line of HOSPITAL PATIENTS outside the door” or “a smoking gun.” All of the HOSPITAL PATIENTS at the clinic are hidden behind closed doors (literally). The only reason this clinic is operating is for FINANCIAL GAIN – at this point, they are NO LONGER PRACTICING MEDICINE.

White-collared crimes are not easy to detect, but in this video we uncover it. The video is long and easy to dismiss. But the reality is, YOU can make a difference – PLEASE SHARE!

Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee-Sheng:
“The property that you own as a homeowner is zoned RESIDENTIAL, for RESIDENTIAL use. What I believe is that people who are engaged in this activity took their RESIDENTIAL property…and turned it into a COMMERICAL ENTERPRISE.”
1) But…YOU, are still allowing this fraud to go on. Why are you allowing a HOSPITAL to operate inside of RESIDENTIAL apartments?

Jefferson Parish Councilwoman Jennifer Van Vrancken:
1) How come you think “nothing is going on” here? Yes, we obtained this in writing, from your office. 2) The violations from this clinic have been DIRECTLY reported to YOU, in writing, since 2017, OVER 50+ times.
a) Isn’t that dereliction of duty?
b) Violation of your oath as a CityCouncil women?
c) Failure to Report a Crime under Federal Law (18 U.S.C. section 4).
d) Accessory After the Fact.
e) Compounding a Crime

(1) HIPAA:
• $100,000 fine for 10 years max for Medicare kick-back schemes

(2) Health Care Fraud Statute:
• Federal criminal statute for public AND private health care fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1347
• Knowingly and willfully execute/attempt a scheme or artifice to:
-Defraud health care benefit program; or
-Obtain by false or fraudulent pretenses property under custody/control of program in connection with delivery or payment for items or services
• 10-year imprisonment, restitution, and fine

(3) The Anti-Kickback Statute
• Criminal statute, 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(b)
• Remuneration of value
• Recommend or arrange for items/services under federal programs

(4) Stark Law:
• Prohibits self-referrals for federal business, 42 U.S.C. § 1395nn
• Involves physician referral
• Designated health services
• Ownership interest or compensation arrangement

(5) Major fraud against the United States: 18 U.S. Code § 1031
• “Major fraud involving at least $1 million against the federal government.”
• “A person guilty of an offense where he knowingly defrauds the federal government in any grant, contract, loan, federal assistance, etc. is subject to 10 years in federal prison.”

(6) IRS:
• “Organized Crime- Member of a group of persons who engaged in illegal enterprises such as drugs, gambling, loansharking, extortion, or laundering illegal money through a legitimate business.
• Kickback- Received illegal payments or kickbacks in exchange for referring the business of a government agency or other business towards a company or for influencing business decisions that result in part of the payment for the business received or service performed being returned to the person who made the referral”

(7) The American Anti-Corruption Act:
(by purchasing political influence – see comment below)

(8) Federal Antitrust Laws:
• Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C §§ 41-58)
• The Sherman Antitrust Act (15 U.S.C. § 1)
• The Clayton Antitrust Act (15 U.S.C. § 12)
(unfair method of competition affecting commerce)
Dr. Roy created a oligopoly by dominating property ownership on Wabash St. thru different LLCs that he owns. This has resulted in collusion due to his highly concentrated ownership on Wabash St., conspiring with himself to gain an unfair market advantage. He disturbed the equilibrium on Wabash St., reduced the market competition, created a scheme to divide the market, unreasonably restraining trade, attempting to form an unlawful monopoly, and created an artificial restriction – this is illegal under Federal Antitrust Laws. Antitrust laws are designed and intended to protect and prevent competition.


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