Corruption News

The Blood of Steve Scalise Is on Democrat, Liberal #FakeNews and Shakespeare in the Park Hands


Share this IMPORTANT video via ALL social networks, email, texts, etc.

This report provides PROOF that the Democrat Party, Obama, Hillary, the Deep State, the Liberal Fake News, the radical Leftist entertainment industry and other Liberal entities are guilty of the crimes of inciting and facilitating violence, murder, sedition against a sitting President and the U.S. Government.

We MUST unite to STOP this corruption now. They are destroying our nation. Watch this entire report and send it to your political representatives, the POTUS and the DOJ and demand investigations via Grand Juries and Special Prosecutors to investigate every last seditious entity.

Tell President Trump to get a Chief of Staff that is a Bull Dog that will kick the weak and useless GOP into gear and get the POTUS’s agenda enacted.


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