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South Yorkshire Sustainability Awards: Young and experienced green ambassadors receive individual awards


The category was for individuals between 12-18 years old who have shown outstanding leadership in driving change and/or campaigning for an environmental issue.

Safaa Shreef is a member of Barnsley Youth Council and the British Youth Council Steering Group. She has spoken at and was a leading organiser of a youth event at COP 26

She chairs the Yorkshire and Humber Youth Steering Group where she empowers other MYPs. And she spearheads climate action in Barnsley and leads their tree planting project.

Lee Firth, academy manager at sponsor ITM Power, with Young Green Champion Safaa Shreef and Philippa Forrester.

Safaa’s work has led her to speak about a host of big issues – including women’s rights and environmentalism, fast fashion, pollution, transport and more – with key decision makers in South Yorkshire and beyond.

She received her award from Lee Firth, academy manager at sponsor ITM Power.

Meanwhile, Green Ambassador of the Year went to David Montero for his outstanding efforts to implement change to reduce environmental impacts and motivate others to adopt environmentally-friendly lifestyles.

Mr Montero, business assurance manager at AES Engineering in Rotherham, has responsibility for the sustainability and net zero targets for the global organisation and he oversees the quality, health and safety, anti-bribery and corruption, and environmental and sustainability management systems.

Deputy Mayor of Barnsley Coun Mick Stowe, with Green Ambassador of the Year, David Montero, and Philippa Forrester.

Alongside this, he also leads the project for the future development of ‘Factory of the Future’, managing contractors and directing this project from the start. This is a huge undertaking in itself.

The winner was announced by deputy mayor of Barnsley Coun Mick Stowe.

The other finalist in the Young Green Champion category was Curtis Yip, who, as one of the judges, was not involved in deciding it.

Curtis is a member of Rotherham Youth Cabinet and has campaigned strongly against the climate emergency and volunteers tirelessly for a sustainable environment.

He also attended COP 26, delivering a workshop as part of a team around an international project called the Ripple Effect.

He is also a member of the South Yorkshire and National Mayoral Combined Youth Authority and Public Transport Youth Group. It has worked with the elected metro mayor around issues including green jobs, public transport and carbon emissions/sustainable travel.

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