Corruption News

Republican Leader Accidentally Tweets Then Deletes His Party's Extreme MAGA Agenda


Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy accidentally tweeted out a link to his party’s new agenda that includes thing like criminalizing women’s healthcare and making prescription drugs more expensive. When he realized his mistake, he quickly tried to password-protect the website and get rid of the tweet, but Nancy Pelosi’s office had screenshots and shared them on her Speaker’s website. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins talks about McCarthy’s blunder and the extreme agenda Republicans are pushing.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Republican house minority leader. Kevin McCarthy made a bit of an oopsy Daisy this week when he decided to post on Twitter, the new extreme Republican agenda, and then immediately realized what a mistake that was. And hastily attempted to password protect the website with said agenda. But luckily there were plenty of people that, uh, took screenshots of this, including staffers at Nancy Pelosi’s office. So on her website, they posted the screenshots of this extreme agenda that Kevin McCarthy accidentally tweeted and tried to hide. And so now we know exactly what Republicans would love to do if they ever get control of the government. Again, one of those things, of course, is the nationwide federal abortion ban McCarthy’s, uh, tweeted and deleted agenda does show that Republicans are making it a big part of their platform to protect the lives of the unborn, which yes would indicate that the entire party is embracing Lindsay Graham’s proposal to enact a nationwide abortion ban something that a majority of people, a vast majority of people in this country do not want and is currently a losing issue for Republicans all over the country.

Nevertheless, it was right there in black and white on that document that Kevin McCarthy, once again, tried to password protect so nobody could see it. Another piece of their extreme agenda. The extreme Maga agenda has Pelosi’s office calls. It is repealing. The recently passed legislation that is going to allow, uh, the government to negotiate prices for certain drugs, for Medicare recipients. So Republicans are openly advocating to raise your prescription drug prices. So gee, I wonder why they wouldn’t want people to see that before they get into the majority. Then of course there was the section where they talked about protecting the sanctity of elections, cuz there’s, you know, a lot of questions about the legitimacy of our electoral system. So they are of course, embracing Donald Trump’s big lie that there’s just election fraud everywhere in this country. You can’t even vote without tripping over an election fraudster. None of that of course is true. That has been proven repeatedly since the 2020 election and nearly all of the people that have been arrested for voter fraud have been people that voted multiple times for Donald Trump. So that’s just a small part by the way of this extreme agenda that the Republicans want to push. If they take back the house of representatives. Now none of that is surprising. Okay. We have known forever that Republicans want pharmaceutical companies to make as much profit as possible. So them saying, we’re not gonna let you negotiate prices,

Not surprising the nationwide abortion band. They don’t care that the public doesn’t want it. They don’t care that their own party doesn’t want it. They’re gonna do it because they think it’s a political winner because they’re idiots as for the election fraud claims of course they’re going along with that every day, it seems like more and more Republicans are coming out and saying, no, you know what? It was stolen. There is fraud everywhere. Plus making some kind of national platform of it gives states the ability to pass their restrictive voting laws and kick more people off the voting roles. But again, the funniest part is that Kevin McCarthy supposed to be, you know, the leader of the Republicans, wasn’t supposed to send this out in a tweet. He messed up


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